A Guide to Collecting Majolica [History & Values]
Majolica is one of those antique terms thrown around to describe a lot of seemingly different types of ceramics. It can be confusing for beginners (and non-beginners!) to figure out exactly what makes a piece majolica.
I’m going to sort it all out for you in this article.

The Difference Between Maiolica and Majolica

The term majolica comes from the Italian maiolica, which refers to 15th century pottery covered with bright, festive decoration against a white background, like the piece above.
The origin of the name is unclear but it likely comes from one of two Spanish cities–Majorca or Malaga–which shipped this type of pottery into Italy.
As other countries began to adopt this tin-glazed form of dishware, they applied their own names: in Netherlands they called maiolica delft, in France, faience, in Spain, talavera and in England, delft or majolica.
NOTE: What is tin-glaze? The addition of tin-oxide to a traditional lead glaze resulted the white background on maiolica and it became known as tin-glaze.
A colorful decoration would then be painted on top of the tin-glaze and the piece would be fired. Sometimes a final coat of glaze would be applied and the piece refired.
The History of Majolica
In the mid-19th century, Minton, along with other English potteries, produced ceramics similar in style to the Italian maiolica.
But for the Great Exhibit of 1851, Minton showcased a new style of ceramic, which it called Palissy ware, after the French artist (Bernard Palissy) who introduced it. It featured dimensional elements along with vibrant hand painted coloration and a shiny surface.
Funnily enough, this style acquired the majolica name, despite the two showing some strong differences. From that point on, confusion has reigned (Wikipedia).
Where Italian maiolica reflected religious and historic themes, Minton’s majolica was playful and often involved animals.
And while maiolica kitchen wares featured flat surfaces, majolica always had molded elements and appeared glossy due to the final application of lead glaze.
America and other European countries soon began producing their own versions of this popular pottery, many well into the early 20th century.
One also sees plenty of reproduction majolica on the market that came out of Japan in the mid-1900’s.
Today, beautiful pieces produced by the Portuguese company, Bordallo Pinheiro, abound in Homegood stores.
Characteristics of Genuine Victorian Majolica
Below are a list of characteristics to look for when buying majolica for resale:
- Molded fanciful and naturalistic shapes
- Flat internal surfaces, not molded like the outside
- Bright colors, well applied, i.e., inside-the-lines and no dripping
- Glossy lead glaze with no drips
- Heavier than newer reproductions
- Painted and glazed bottoms
- Solid handles, not hollow
With majolica, unlike many other vintage or antique pieces, collectors often don’t take issue with a small amount of damage in the form of flakes, tiny chips, and crazing. It may affect the price, but not as dramatically as with other types of collectibles.
English Majolica
Following Minton’s introduction of majolica at the Great Exhibit, many other English potters hopped on the very popular majolica bandwagon. This included George Jones and Wedgwood.
Unfortunately, not all majolica is marked and some that’s marked, is not marked well.

The seller of this banana leaf decorated piece, seen at a local antique shop, marked it “English” and dated it to the late Victorian period. They priced it at $400(!).

By the 1890’s majolica’s popularity in England had waned and production declined, but not completely. This set of white salt and pepper shakers with molded fruit and leaf design, marked “Made in England,” dates to the early 20th century. Value: $15-25
Click here for help with English marks.
American Majolica
In America, smaller, lesser-known potteries produced majolica. One of the most prolific, Griffin Hill Smith & Co., made the leaf-shaped dish you see below.

Located in Phoenixville, PA, Griffin, Smith, & Hill produced this begonia leaf dish sometime around 1880. The line was known as “Etruscan,” a kind of take-off on Wedgwood’s “Etruria.”
The monogram mark reflects the name of the company by using the first letters of each name: “G,” “S,” and “H.”

At some point early in the 20th century, it became popular (easier?) in America to allow the paint colors to flow outside of the “lines.” This created a flowy, slap-dash appearance, like you see in the above jardiniΓ¨re, which I’d attribute to McCoy. Value: $35-45
In addition, you’d often see a much reduced color palette of greens and browns, with yellow or pink thrown in occasionally. Many collectors of Victorian era majolica would have trouble applying the term majolica to this type of pottery.
The “257” mark likely reflects a product number.

Here’s another example of later, American majolica jardiniΓ¨re in green and brown with embossed floral decoration. Value: $35-45
German Majolica
Following the success of majolica in England, potteries across Europe, including Germany, began to produce it for both European and American markets. Though the quality is generally not up to that of English pieces, it nonetheless has its own fanbase.

The Shamburg pottery produced this pretty aqua plate at a time when they were a subsidiary of Villroy & Bosh, hence the V & B over an S mark. In a medallion motif with floral ornamentation, it dates to between 1883 and 1912. Value: $35-45

This pretty piece, painted by the CICO company of Germany, likely dates to the 1940’s. Value: $20-30. Note: The hole in the center is for a handle, making it a tidbit tray.

I picked up this pretty little plate at a local flea market for $5. I knew I’d be writing this article soon and looked forward to learning more about it.
The mark lets us know that the piece originates from Zell am Harmersbach, a small town in Germany between the Black Forest and the Rhine River. One of their most famous designers, George Schmider likely designed this piece (1910’s). I located others with this same basket weave pattern that had his mark (GS in a teacup) on them. Value: $20-40

This striking 8″ plate with the deep green leaves on a gold background bears the mark “7S.” Unfortunately I’ve been unable to confirm its origin, but my gut tells me it’s German from the late 1800’s, though I’m open to being schooled. Value: $20-30
French Majolica
Many other potteries in various European countries produced majolica over the years, including France.

A later piece, this small rose motif plate, marked “Made in France,” has some sloppy painting, which makes it less appealing. Value: $15-20.

Truly a statement piece, this large 20″ platter, marked “Made in France,” displays a beautiful combination of embossed leaves, flowers, and fruit.
It does show signs of careless manufacture, as it has several black, under-the-glaze specks. Value: $30-40
Czechoslovakian Majolica

I love the color combo of aqua background and red cherries, which I think this Czechoslovakian plate has pulled off rather well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any info about the maker. Value: $25-35
Unmarked Majolica
As I mentioned previously, not all majolica manufacturers marked their wares. In fact, a substantial amount of majolica has no mark.

That doesn’t mean, of course that we can’t enjoy it! This pretty covered jar in blue with floral decoration says “Italy” to me and the bottom shows quite a lot of age, so I’m taking a pretty wild guess and dating it to the late 19th century. Value: $30-40

Here we have another unmarked piece that I spied at a nearby antique shop. Very pretty with a textured surface and covered with naturalistic leaves and flowers, the dealer had priced it at $125.
Portuguese Majolica
You might be familiar with majolica through shopping expeditions to Homegood, Marshalls, and TJ Maxx stores, which often have Bordallo Pinheiro brand pieces on offer.
Collectors of “genuine” Victorian majolica would consider these pieces reproductions, but a dive into the history of potteries like Bordallo reveals they’ve been producing majolica since the late Victorian period(!).
Furthermore, their quality workmanship reveals their commitment over the decades to beautiful design and attention to detail.
Bordallo Pinheiro
In 1884 the Portuguese cartoonist, Raphael Bordallo Pinheiro, opened a pottery and began producing majolica dishware. He entered pieces into the 1889 Paris Exhibition and the company has not ceased production of their high quality but affordable majolica.
Below are several pieces bearing the Bordallo Pinheiro pottery mark.

A green 3 1/2″ cabbage leaf bowl. Value: $12-15

A green 4″ cup with embossed leaf decoration. Value: $10-12

A pretty 10″ pink plate, commonly referred to as the “carrot” plate, though it also has embossed radishes and cabbage as part of the design as well. Value: $20-25

A 10″ white cabbage leaf plate. Value: $15-20
Brand New Bordallo Pinheiro Majolica
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As mentioned, Bordallo Pinheiro continues to produce gorgeous majolica pottery in Portugal.

You can find these two pieces, the frog decorated and fox decorated pitchers, available for purchase on Amazon.
Other Portuguese Majolica
Throughout the years, I’ve come across several pieces of majolica marked Portugal, for which I’ve been unable to identify a maker. Here are those pieces:

A 4″ green cabbage leave bowl marked “Olfaire, 805” on the bottom. Value: $12-15

A 15″ white platter decorated with embossed leaves and fruit. The sticker on bottom reads, “Made in Portugal, Over and Back Inc. Purveyors to the world.” It has a presence in Portugual but I don’t know where their dishware is manufactured. Value: $20-25

A 10″ green cabbage leaf dish, marked “Made in Portugal.” Value: $15-18

An 8″ white cabbage leaf serving dish with an incised, hard to read mark that includes the word, “Portugal.” Value: $20-25
Japanese Majolica
Japanese potteries have never been afraid to copy popular pottery styles that originated in other parts of the world. This is true for majolica.
Collectors of authentic Victorian majolica would refer to pieces like the ones you’ll see below as reproductions. The quality tends to be low.
Qualities of Japanese Reproduction Majolica
- Light weight
- Paint outside the lines
- Paint and glaze drips
- Hollow handles
- Garish colors and color mixes
- Unpainted bottoms

A pink teapot with floral decoration marked “Made in Japan” in ink. Value: $12-15

A white 3 1/2″ high jam pot with a strawberry finial and no mark. Value: $6-8

A 3″ high, yellow basket weave creamer with no mark, though likely Japanese. Value: $2-3
Chinese Majolica
Majolica style ceramics continue to enter the market, mostly from China. The quality follows in the footsteps of that made in Japan in the mid-20th century.

A 4″ high strawberry shaped mug with no mark. Value: $1

A cabbage leaf covered dish with a white bunny finial, no mark. Value: $12-14
More Information About Reproduction Majolica
You can find more information about reproduction majolica here.
What is Your Majolica Worth?
If you’ve been reading along with this article, you’ll have noticed that I posted values for each of the pieces I shared. That should give you a good idea of some of the value range.
In general, pieces from England garner some of the highest prices, $40-200 for a simple plate, $60-400+ for a serving piece.
Examples from other European countries will be somewhere in the ballpark of 25% less than English ones.
You’ll find many American jardiniΓ¨res and umbrella holders priced in the $40-200, but Japanese and Chinese pieces much, much lower, in the $5-25 range.
Where to Buy Majolica
It can take some real scouring of markets to get your hands on nice pieces of majolica. In antique shops, where it’s more plentiful, you’ll typically pay full value.
To find older pieces at lower prices, with enough room for you to make a profit, keep your eye out at flea markets and estate sales. That’s where I found most of the older pieces you saw in this article.
To find Bordallo Pinheiro and other Portuguese pieces, check your thrift stores where it tends to be plentiful. Prices should leave you plenty of room to 3 or 4X you investment.
No one can argue that vintage and antique majolica doesn’t make a strong statement with its color-saturated, often whimsical designs.
Whether you collect “genuine” pieces from the late 1800’s or more modern pieces produced in Portugal, visitors to your home or antique “store” will ooh and ahh over any you have in stock.
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Thank you for this very helpful article on majolica! I appreciate your research!
You’re so welcome Julie! I’m glad you enjoyed the article π
Great article with so much information; really enjoyed it! And will come back to read it again!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it Kathy!!
I have an interesting piece that I would love to know more about if you could help? Itβs a strawberry strainer with leaf plate.
Due to the large number of rewuests I’m unable to help with identification or valuation. However, I have an article that helps with this: https://adirondackgirlatheart.com/9-free-ways-to-price-antiques/ Note: the title focuses on pricing but the same tools help with identification! Best of luck π