Super Simple Vintage Wall Art Ideas w/Free Printable

Today we’ll be talking about some easy as 1-2-3 vintage wall art ideas, and I have two FREE printables for you to use in the process–a vintage page of butterflies and another of fish.

They are available in the Member Library for you to use in any way you wish, but I do hope you’ll give today’s DIY a try. Get access when you subscribe to my newsletter.

Other wall art ideas you might enjoy include: vintage-style decorative clipboard, stenciled window, and vintage headboard/chalkboard.

Super Simple Vintage Wall Art Ideas

I discovered the originals of both printables in very old dictionaries that I picked up at a garage sale for a quarter each.

I always check out the old dictionaries for book plates like these. They make great frameables, and I can also scan them into my Member Library so you can use them for your projects, too. Get the password when you subscribe HERE.

Materials to Make Vintage Wall Art Project

Free Vintage Printables of fish and butterflies

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Special hint: These prints turn out beautifully when you print them on matte “presentation” paper. It’s completely opaque and the matte surface ensures a crisp print with vibrant color. You can find a link to this product here.

A slightly more costly alternative would be matte photographic paper, which would achieve the same results.

Supplies needed for vintage printable wall hangingIn addition to the vintage “animalia” prints, to complete this project, you’ll need:

  1. Tacky glue
  2. Wooden “sticks” (you’ll likely want to stain these)
  3. Ribbon, string or jute (I used antique cotton seam binding)
  4. Art print printed on matte paper (use one of mine in the Member Library–join HERE)

I was lucky enough to find a small box of these perfectly aged sticks at a garage sale for just a dollar.

On the above materials list, I linked to some sturdy garden stakes that could be used (in lieu of finding some at a garage sale, like I did), which could be easily cut down to size and stained to age.

Alternatives to “Framing” Sticks

  • Green Lincoln log roofing sticks
  • Round or square dowels
  • Paint stirrers
  • Tongue depressors (for smaller prints)
  • Sticks from your yard

Alternative “Art” Ideas

Directions for Making Vintage Wall Art Project

Gluing wood to butterfly printable

Step 1: (Optional) After printing the fish and butterflies, narrow them a bit by cutting off the white space on either long side.

Step 2: Apply a bead of glue to the bottom edge of the print and place a stick over the glue. [This is your bottom “frame.”]

Gluing ribbon onto wood

Step 3: Adhere your string/ribbon/seam binding to a stick to act as a hanger.

Close up of vintage butterfly printable wall hanging

Step 4: Apply a bead of glue along the top edge of the print and turn your stick over and place it over the glue. [This is your top “frame.”] 

Side view of vintage printable wall hanging

Step 5: Allow it to dry and you’re done!

Where to Hang Your Vintage Wall Art

Vintage Printable Wall Hangings on green wallThis kind of wall art can be hung in many places, like your living/family room, your kid’s rooms, or how about the classroom, if you’re a home-schooler?

It easily compliments many types of home decor, including farmhouse, traditional, and shabby chic, and if you’re lucky enough to own a camp, you can now create the perfect accessory.

If you enjoyed your visit, I hope you’ll subscribe and never miss a post. 
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Subscription form with Vintage  printable art--fish and butterflies    

Bye for now,



I’d love it if you’d pin for later 🙂

Super Simple Vintage Wall Art Ideas

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  1. Hi Diana, what a super cute way to frame art. The printable are beautiful. Missed seeing you at Haven this year.

    1. Hi Cynthia–so great to hear from you! Wish I could have been at Haven and would love to have seen you. How are things going with your business? I feel like I’ve lost touch with you…used to see you quite a bit on IG??? Hope you are well!

  2. These are so pretty, Diana.. and I love the way that you have hung them! So happy to have you at Tuesday Turn About!

  3. Hi Diana, it’s so much fun to decorate with vintage art work and charts. Love your ideas. I’m excited to feature your post this week on Tuesday Turn About. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Hi Diana, Made a copy of your fish picture and framed it for a Christmas gift; my daughter and fiance have a bathroom with fishing decor. One gift down, umpty-umpteen more to go. I make more crafty presents for everyone every year. This week it was sewing a bunch of catnip mats with Dollar Tree catnip (God didn’t replant my catnip patch this year!). “Stuffed” them with thrifted pieces of matress pads. Fleece and cat prints (flannel or cotton on sale @ Joann’s)!

    1. I’m SO glad to hear that you’re benefiting from my Member Library, Kathy–that just makes me smile 🙂 And I helped you tick of one gift from your Christmas list–woo woo! You are one thrifty maker, that’s for sure–

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