Stenciling Signs on Vintage Wood

Hi everyone! Do you remember back in July when I stumbledย on a curbside collection of old junk? Mixed in with the junk were many pieces of wonderful old wood. I scooped up as much as I couldย and threw itย in my van, and I’m so glad I did. Yesterday, Iย made some cool, vintage signs with a coupleย of those pieces, using brand new stencils I ordered off ofย eBay through Homestead Stenciling Company.

amazing grace sign on vintage wood
I’m pretty much in love with this “Amazing Grace” stencil. It’s about 18″ long and cost just $3.75 through Homestead. Shipping is $3.95, no matter how many youย order. (I ordered five!) And of course, the hymn “Amazing Grace” means so much to so many people, including me. If you’ve never experienced God’s amazing grace for yourself and would like to know more, drop me a line via my contact form (side bar) or my email: adirondackgirlatheart [at] gmail [dot] come.

red scrap wood from the curbside
This is what the red red wood looked like after I unloaded itย from my van.

close up of vintage red wood
I fell in love with this shade of red and the perfectly distressedย surface.

vintage wood
I cut one of the pieces in half since they were so long. (It’s amazing how things take on different tones when photographed under fluorescent light (in my workroom).)

Stenciling prep
I taped the corners of theย stencil to the wood to hold it in place.

acrylic craft paint and makeup sponge for stenciling
Using white acrylic craft paint and my handy dandy make-up sponge, I painted the words onto the wood. Easy peasy with the make-up sponge–one of my favorite Pinterest tips of the year.

amazing grace stencil on vintage wood
(More unattractive fluorescent lighting.)ย Here’s the signย just after I finished painting, before a light coat of matte polyurethane spray paint.

claw hanger
After drilling two pilot holes, I nailed on a saw-toothed hanger.

amazing grace sign on vintage wood
The final product: a keeper for now.

scrap wood
For the second sign, I chose the nice piece of scrap wood on the right, with the scrolled edge-work.

welcome stencil on vintage wood
I decided to stencil it with “WELCOME,” another stencil I purchasedย through Homestead ($1.99). I’ll bring this one up to my shop,priced at $15.00. I’ve sold several signs now in that price range.

farm market sign on vintage wood
And for my last sign” I usedย the top of an apple basketย and applied aย stencil that I bought at Walmart (surprisingly) for just $5.00. The full stencilย reads, “Farmer’s Market, Country Fresh Vegetables, Hand Selected and Hand Packed Since 1921.” I’ll also bring this one up to my antique booth, priced at about $18.00.

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Bye for now,


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    1. It is pretty easy, Marcia, especially once you collect all your supplies together and get down to business. My daughter’s name is Grace and we talked about the double meaning of the sign ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Did you do any stabilizing of the surface before you stenciled, ie., sealer or spray fixative? I’m always concerned with old finishes being not safe with a three-year old around. Stenciling is such an easy way to personalize an item…love your easy ideas, here. Thanks, Sandi

    1. I spray the projects with polyurethane after I stencil them to preserve the stencil work. I would keep pieces you’re concerned about hanging on a wall rather than set somewhere low, in order to keep them out of the three-year-old’s hands ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. HI May I suggest that you fill in the gaps where the stencil break is? It would give the signs a more finished look. Just a suggestion, you did quite well with your find of wood for free too!!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Kris. Sometimes I fill them in and sometimes I don’t. I depends on how I feel and how I think it looks. For instance, I filled in the gaps on the third and final sign, “Farm Market,” because I preferred it. I may go ahead and fill in the gaps on “Amazing Grace,” now that you mention it ๐Ÿ™‚ But I kinda like the “Welcome” sign as is. Thanks again!

  3. I need to make one that says Vintage Rose…my name is Rose and I am vintage (at 63 yrs old!). Maybe you could have a giveaway and personalize a sign for someone!

  4. Hi Diana! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love all of these. I love the color of the red wood, so pretty!
    I am always scooping up old pallet wood at the local hardware store, the old wood makes the best vintage looking signs. But I have never come across red or any other color – great find!!
    The apple basket sign is amazing, love the stencil on that one too!

    Kimberley ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Pingback: Farmhouse Style Signs from Junk Wood

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