Gaudy Christmas Wreaths That Sell

I’m coming to you today with a last-minute project that can be created in about 20 minutes with a faux pine wreath and a nearby dollar store. These gaudy Christmas wreaths are one of my favorite projects ever, and I’ve been making them for about twenty years. I’m so happy to be sharing my “secrets” with you so you can make them yourself and sell or gift them. How to make a gaudy Christmas wreath

Materials Needed to Make a Gaudy Christmas Wreath

Faux pine wreath with red roses and gold ornaments This post contains affiliate links for products necessary to complete the project. This is both for your convenience as well as to support my blog, as I receive a small compensation whenever you click on such a link and make any sort of purchase, for which I thank you.


Step 1: Paint Rose Tips

Faux roses tipped with gold paint Spray the tips of your faux roses with gold spray paint. It fancies them up a bit and blends them in with the gold embellishments you’ll be adding.

Step 2: Attach the Roses to Your Gaudy Wreath

When making a gaudy Christmas wreath attach roses first Fluff up your wreath a bit before you get started. Make sure the pine pieces are straight and flowing in one direction. Pull some of the pieces forward to make the wreath more 3-dimensional and less flat. Using hot glue, attach the roses securely to the wreath by pressing them into the pine stems and holding until the glue cools. Five is a good number of roses to use, but however many you decide on, make sure it’s an odd number. You’ll notice that I’ve left room at the top of the wreath for a bow. [As you can tell, I hadn’t yet tipped the edges of these roses with the gold paint. In addition, they need some reshaping, both of which will happen down below.] Pro Tip I: Look for pine wreaths at garage sales and thrift stores. You’ll find them plain or decorated. Buy either if priced well. I like top buy them for a dollar or two and then remove the parts I don’t like. Pro Tip II: I pick up roses at the dollar tree. They came in a bunch for just a buck.

Step 3: Gold Pine Cones

Attach gold pine cones to your gaudy wreath Next, hot glue the pine cones to the wreath. I recommend placing them in pairs, as I did, especially if they are small. Pro Tip: I used gold glittered plastic pine cones from the dollar store.

Step 4: Gold Ornaments

Glue gold ornaments onto the wreath Start to fill in some of the empty spaces with gold ornaments. You can buy them in tubes at most dollar stores.

Step 5: The Bow for Your Gaudy Christmas Wreath

Gaudy Christmas Wreath almost complete

Make a bow and attach it with wire to the spot you reserved for it.

Step 6: Gold Wire Star Garland

Close up of gaudy Christmas wreath--red & gold After attaching the bow, I felt it was missing something to tie it all together. I wound some gold wired star garland around it and that did the trick! Completed Gaudy Christmas Wreath Here’s the finished wreath in all of its gaudy glory. I am blessed to sell these year after year for $25 to $35, depending on their size and the materials I used to embellish them. I’ve also gifted them to friends and held classes teaching others how to make them. Trust me when I say, they are SO satisfying to make. You’ll really enjoy the process. Gaudy Pink Christmas Wreath Here’s an example of a more feminine wreath made using the same process. Gaudy Christmas Wreath with gold bow And another with a gold, rather than red bow. The combinations of colors and accent pieces you can use is almost endless. Have fun with it!

Update 2023

I added a new type of gaudy wreath to my booth last year at the Shaker Holiday Market. Vintage guady wreath with vintage ornaments

I’ve begun making them with cute, vintage ornaments. Same basic principle of hot gluing them onto the pine wreath applies. This one sold quickly for $42.

Vintage gaudy wreath with vintage ornaments

This second example had a little accident at the market last week. The snowman to the left of the bow vanished. The wreath is currently in my workshop awaiting repair.

Vintage gaudy wreath with polar bear and snowflake ornaments

This final wreath, featuring a darling polar bear and glittery snowflakes, is available at the market (2023) for any local shoppers.

Thanks so much for stopping by–

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Bye for now, scan of Diana signature

I’d love it if you’d pin me for later ๐Ÿ™‚

Learn how to make a gaudy Christmas wreath

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    1. So glad you liked the wreaths Karolyn ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m late responding to my comments–we had a lovely Christmas and I hope you did as well.

  1. Beautiful gaudy CHRISTmas wreaths!!! Have a Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!!!๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„โœ๏ธ

  2. THESE are the kind of wreathes I like to make. The kind that would look good on a foil covered front door lit by a floodlight! I hit the craft stores after Christmas and buy 3 or 5 or 7 of whatever I can find cheaplyl Often the larger “sprays” of things like gold plastic glitter branches can be cut into 2 or 3 pieces to go further. I had a field day last year when AC Moore was closing and Christmas was 90% off! I’ve also had good luck at Walmart; they have lovely bushes that make an arrangement. I often say I was a magpie in a previous life; I do like glitz and glitter! Hope you and yours have a lovely Christmas!

    1. You are the queen of making things go further Kathy ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you hit some good sales this year. I popped into Big Lots and found a couple of things but that’s it so far. Happy New Year!

  3. Hi, just a couple of questions please. How much do you sell them for and where do you sell them? They look pretty cool. Thanks

    1. Hi Julie! Sorry I’m so late in replying–life got in the way. I sell them for $25-35 each (depending on their size) at a craft show I participate in every year. Items like this don’t sell well for my from my antique booth, which is in a very traditional antique mall. I think they would sell well from a booth in a vintage market as well.

  4. I just love your gaudy Christmas wreaths, Diana! Easy and inexpensive to make – right up my alley! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! And Merry Christmas! xo Kathleen

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