What to Do With Old Scrap Wood? Make Signs of Course!
Hi everyone! I’ve been busy doing some sign making with pieces of junk wood I had lying around. My first signs ever really. Just little ones to start with, but I think I have some bigger ones in my future.
I used scrap wood that I’ve picked up over the years for this very purpose, and stencils I recently purchased at Goodwill for $2.00.
It all started when I decided I wanted to hang a sign near my coffee maker. The wood I chose came off a derelict little wagon that graced my front yard for years, until it fell apart after one-to-many Northeastern winters.
I used my miter saw to cut two pieces to the length I wanted and then held them together with tongue depressors and tacky glue. (No, I’m not a professional.)
I dry brushed some white craft paint onto the “good” side.
Initially I thought I might paint, “But First, Coffee.” It wasn’t quite what I was looking for. Finally, I settled on…
Java. I think it’s just right for my new “Beverage Center.” Nothing too extravagant, but tomorrow I’ll give you a glimpse.

While I had the stencils out, I decided to make a couple more signs. The stencil set came with two sizes of the same font, so I used the smaller set on this sign. I’m in love with the chippy pink and that’s pale blue showing underneath.
I read somewhere that a true sign-maker would fill in the gaps in the letters, but I like the rustic/industrial look of the “broken” letters. What do you think?
Come back tomorrow for a peak at my new “Beverage Center.”
Next week I’ll share with you my graphic transfer experience–
exasperating, but ultimately successful.
exasperating, but ultimately successful.
Bye for now,

Love the signs, gaps and all.
Wonderful! Looks like a fun project!
Love that pink patina! Clever girl – using tongue depressors. Sometimes I fill in the gaps and other times I like the industrial look of the gaps.
These are so cool1 I do signs as well. I have a big "Mayberry" sign for the chicken pen, "Hee Haw, y'all" on one of the donkey pasture's posts, and "simplicity" on the front porch. Until I read this post, I was going to toss some old, wide garden stakes. Not now. I'm getting some new paint colors and am getting busy! Sending blessings as always and celebrating what Jesus has done!!!
Wonderful signs!! Great way to use up scrap wood.
Happy Easter
Love these Diana. Great re love of scraps of wood.
Dina I am so glad that you showed some ideas for signs. My son just brought me home some platelets and I am going to make signs. I love the way you used little screws to hang them. Thanks, Jo
Very creative in using the tongue depressors to hold the boards together. All your signs look perfectly aged. Love them, especially the crackled pink on the garden sign. Good job Diana.
I say whatever floats your boat, I like the industrial look, too. I love the fleurs one the best!
Love the signs…and they look like something I could handle (I'm not very crafty…lol)
Great idea. I particularly like the chippy pink Fleurs sign.
I also like the rustic look…thanks for sharing this fun project with the Thursday Blog Hop!
I love making signs on old wood! Super cute Diana!! Thanks for sharing them with SYC.
Nice… we also make signs… they add to the ambiance of the garden… and house. 🙂